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Showing posts from October, 2017

What is it to be a Famous Poet?

Famous poets are writers known for having poetry achievements. Most of these writers are deeply into writing poetry. All famous poets are not popular well known people. About these writers most people do not know much. Detailed studying on them may not be provided by schools other than colleges may not provide. They should be honored and respected for their poetry achievements although they may not receive as much attention as people in other fields. Authors who've have poems in a poetry book and had their own poetry book published are most famous poets. They also have biographies on the internet and in books as well. Some of the many well known poets are Louisa May Alcott, Emily Dickinson, Robert Burns and Robert Frost. Many of the most popular well known poets have died. These writers range from the present to dates later than the 1900. Rainer Maria Rilke is one of the greatest German language’s poets. You would love to go through his works and pro